Question from a reader: staying safe in South America

Question from a reader: staying safe in South America

A friend and reader I’ll call T.D. writes in: I’ve read some almost unbelievable stories on those Quito and Cuenca FB groups regarding what seems to be rampant petty crime, and more. You’re an extensive traveler and I know you’re savvy (and you’ve just been in...
3 rules to reduce your chance of violence while traveling by 99%

3 rules to reduce your chance of violence while traveling by 99%

Yep, that’s a bold claim. Only 3 rules? You’re got to be kidding me. So we were at a hostel in Puno, Peru chatting with some other travelers talking about how they’d been scammed. As they were talking, I found myself wondering if there were specific things I did...
An open letter to the first-time international traveler

An open letter to the first-time international traveler

Dear first-time international traveler, Sit down and grab a beer, coffee, or tea. No, seriously, if you’re not reading this letter with a beverage of choice in hand, stop reading and go get one. There. That’s better. You might be feeling nervous about traveling...
How to avoid getting ripped off in Thailand

How to avoid getting ripped off in Thailand

So I recently read this post from the Asia Pundits about the “Bangkok Shuffle” — and few things ruin a vacation faster than losing your passport and getting your stuff stolen from you. Ben and his girlfriend Kyeonghwa got in a tuk-tuk… Maybe it was the adrenaline, but...

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