How to take the ferry from Tallinn, Estonia to Helsinki, Finland

How to take the ferry from Tallinn, Estonia to Helsinki, Finland

If you’re spending any time in Tallinn, Estonia, you might look at a map to realize the nordic country of Finland is a short hop across the Gulf of Finland only 80 kilometers away. We took a weekend to visit Finland while in Tallinn, and while the cruise there...
How to take an epic road trip across Canada

How to take an epic road trip across Canada

EPIC ROAD TRIP! YEAH!…or something like that. Here’s how to make it happen north of the border. Ahh, the great open road. For decades, people of many nationalities and age groups have talked about, joked about, and often taken the Great Road Trip Across the Country....
How we get to so many places when we travel

How we get to so many places when we travel

No matter how long you’re traveling, there comes a time when you want to take in a lot of places in a short amount of time. Here’s how to do it. Know yourself — and what interests you. It’s perhaps the first rule in many things, and yet it still holds true. Why are...
Navigate the World with Google Maps: 9 Quick Protips

Navigate the World with Google Maps: 9 Quick Protips

Having spent years navigating the world with little more than an iPhone and the free Google Maps app, I’ve noticed there are more than a few quirks to it. Quick note: while I’m sure the Android version of the map has some of its own quirks, I’ll have to focus this...
Getting Around: Cuenca, Ecuador to Chiclayo, Northern Peru

Getting Around: Cuenca, Ecuador to Chiclayo, Northern Peru

New category time! ‘Getting Around’ posts are about getting around the globe more easily — screw-ups and successes alike The cities Cuenca, Ecuador: one of Ecuador’s wealthier and tourist-friendly cities, especially for the older crowd or anyone who enjoys classic...
26 Safety Tips While Traveling, From A to Z

26 Safety Tips While Traveling, From A to Z

Yes, the A to Z is intentional — I have a quick tip for each letter of the alphabet to stay safe while traveling. Allergies are a reality, and awareness of them still lacking in some parts of the world. Lookup the local ways of saying ‘I can’t eat…’, or get a card...

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