4 Ways to Save Money in Canada

4 Ways to Save Money in Canada

Welcome to the first world. It didn’t take long for us. It usually doesn’t, not when prices are what you’d expect from a first-world country. After almost 3 years traveling around much cheaper countries (two years in Thailand and nine months across South America),...
3 rules to reduce your chance of violence while traveling by 99%

3 rules to reduce your chance of violence while traveling by 99%

Yep, that’s a bold claim. Only 3 rules? You’re got to be kidding me. So we were at a hostel in Puno, Peru chatting with some other travelers talking about how they’d been scammed. As they were talking, I found myself wondering if there were specific things I did...
Review: Peru Hop, Peru’s first hop-on-hop-off bus service

Review: Peru Hop, Peru’s first hop-on-hop-off bus service

Having spent almost 9 months getting around South America, the one thing that’s been the most difficult is getting around. Presuming a bus, minivan, or colectivo actually goes where you want it to, there’s then the matter of comfort and staying on schedule. If your...
Review: Context Travel Tours — for the more intellectual traveler

Review: Context Travel Tours — for the more intellectual traveler

During our epic trip across Europe, we had the opportunity to go on a couple of guided tours aimed at a more… intellectual crowd. At some companies, seemingly any local can be hired to recite an approved script; with Context Travel, tour guides have a Master’s or...
12 things I wish I knew before coming to Prague, Czechia

12 things I wish I knew before coming to Prague, Czechia

Prague offers a great introduction to Czechia / the Czech Republic – but boy there were some things I wish I knew before heading there. Czech isn’t that bad, actually – it just looks that way. The good news: it probably won’t even matter all that much. This Wikipedia...
The quirks you see while drinking beer around the world

The quirks you see while drinking beer around the world

I’ve enjoyed a cold brew on five continents – and along way I’ve seen how every country does their beer a little bit differently. In alphabetical order of countries where I’ve enjoyed a brew… Austria: a whole lotta legacy – and variety Vienna is a walkable, outdoor...
Getting Around: Cuenca, Ecuador to Chiclayo, Northern Peru

Getting Around: Cuenca, Ecuador to Chiclayo, Northern Peru

New category time! ‘Getting Around’ posts are about getting around the globe more easily — screw-ups and successes alike The cities Cuenca, Ecuador: one of Ecuador’s wealthier and tourist-friendly cities, especially for the older crowd or anyone who enjoys classic...

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