Where To Go Instead: 9 Famous Places and their Better Alternatives

Where To Go Instead: 9 Famous Places and their Better Alternatives

Some well-known places are genuinely wonderful. Some just have a good marketing team. Here are nine lesser-known places to check out and have a better time for less money or hassle. Go on, admit it — part of the reason you might travel to a place is to say you’ve been...
Europe’s weird and kid-friendly destinations: ten of my favorites

Europe’s weird and kid-friendly destinations: ten of my favorites

During our epic trip across Europe, we got to hundreds of places. Time to highlight ten of my kid-friendly favorites. Yeah, I’m kind of a big kid at heart — and we took in a lot of fun places while taking in Europe. Lego museum (Muzeum Lega) — Prague, Czech Republic...
Destinations: the Olympic Museums of Spain and Switzerland

Destinations: the Olympic Museums of Spain and Switzerland

With the Rio Olympics upon us, I thought you might enjoy a couple of the world’s best Olympic museums — including one museum that’s one of the best I’ve ever enjoyed. Start in Barcelona, the home of the 1992 Summer Olympics, for the Barcelona Olympic Museum (Museu...

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