Destination: Loveland (Jeju) (NSFW)

Destination: Loveland (Jeju) (NSFW)

WARNING: This post is rated NSFW (Not Safe For Work) and for adults only – if on a work computer or around kids, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hit the ‘back’ button on your browser before scrolling down. If you’re not around kids and are comfortable...
Destination: Jeju, part 2 (South Korea)

Destination: Jeju, part 2 (South Korea)

Continuing the Jeju Christmas Adventure Korea trip – presenting the 2nd day of the trip (12/26). Part 1 can be found here. Waking up off the coast of Jeju – while it’s cold, it’s still a great way to wake up. After some breakfast, the...
Destination: Jeju, part 1 (South Korea)

Destination: Jeju, part 1 (South Korea)

After a very nice Christmas vacation, it’s taking some time to get back into the swing of things. Let’s rewind back to Christmas Day, where after signing up for an Adventure Korea trip this adventuring traveler and his fearless girlfriend met our guide at...
Destination: Hi Seoul Festival, Winter 2009 edition (South Korea)

Destination: Hi Seoul Festival, Winter 2009 edition (South Korea)

This season’s Hi Seoul Festival welcomes you some citizen art and a scaled back, toned-down attitude. Gone is the multi-story information booth with computers and internet ostensibly to tell you about the festival, as well as the scattered locations across the...
Destination: Dongdaemun Culture and History Park

Destination: Dongdaemun Culture and History Park

Although the larger part of the Dongdaemun Design Plaza won’t open until 2011, the nearby Dongdaemun Culture and History Park recently opened in late October. Still hidden from the crowded Dongdaemun street, this newly completed area impresses with attention to...
Destination: Seoul Lantern Festival (2009)

Destination: Seoul Lantern Festival (2009)

The Seoul Patch beat me to the Seoul Lantern Festival by a day, but there’s still a few great opportunities to check out the Lantern Festival, sponsored by the rather silly-named ‘Visit Korea Year’. That endeavor was not worthwhile, but these...
Destination: Bugaksan (Seoul, South Korea)

Destination: Bugaksan (Seoul, South Korea)

Whether you spell it Bugaksan or Bukaksan, 북악산 rests north of the Blue House (the residence of the Korean president), and south of the more well-known Bukhansan. At 342 meters high, it’s far from the the tallest mountain in the area, but it’s certainly one...

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