Getting started in Singapore: orienting yourself and saving money in the world’s most expensive city
I recently traveled to Singapore to speak at the ITB Asia conference — a chance to talk about travel blogging and building an online community. Since that’s probably only interesting to a small percentage of you, I thought I’d write about saving yourself some time and...
Destination: Asian Civilisations Museum — carved skulls, guardians of hell, and a rubber duckie? (Singapore)
Peer into thousands of years of Asia’s history — including a lucky rubber duckie. OK, so it’s not as weird as the Haw Par Villa / Ten Courts of Hell you’ve already read about. Instead, it’s a great look at the history of a diverse continent, complete with lots of...
See the Ten Courts of Hell in Singapore — Destination: Haw Par Villa
So I went to Singapore recently to speak on a panel at ITB Asia, a conference dedicated to traveling. Three days of networking, seminars, and talking about travel — actually, I cut out on the last day to actually see Singapore. Laura and I arrived early enough the day...
Guest post: the Turtle Museum, Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden all in one (Singapore)
One of Singapore’s claims to fame is its green space, with about 10% of the city allotted for parks and nature reserves and plenty of other green to go around. This makes it not only an attractive city, but one where you can find yourself surrounded by plant life and...