Comments on: Destination: Wolmi-do – an island at the end of the subway line (Incheon, South Korea) Find what's worthy. Mon, 03 Feb 2020 11:17:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Sun, 27 Sep 2009 11:20:02 +0000 Hello Chris,

I found your blog searching for information on the US Army base on Wolmido, where I was stationed in 1970—a good place to be during the Vietnam War—although obviously closed now. As a reluctant draftee with a college degree, I spent my year in Korea as an MP policing the Incheon red light district and teaching at the Army Education Center (the college education got me off of guard duty). I also taught English 3 evenings a week to 3 teacher’s college professors who reciprocated by taking me out on Sat. nights where we ate and drank in everything from workingmen’s bars to kisaeng houses to “Western” style coffee houses. I also took a leave and walked (and took busses) down the east coast (only a dirt road then) from Gangneung to Busan. They didn’t see many westerners then.

Forty years later, retired after a career as an anthropology professor, I live in Santiago Chile, where anomong ogther things, I write a blog. .

Best wishes and keep up the good work.


By: Anonymous Sat, 13 Sep 2008 03:58:00 +0000 Hey Chris,


I only recently found your blog and suffice to say, I have found it to be useful but most important of all, very honest.

I am currently a student at Inha University on scholarship from NIIED and actually, used your entry on Wolmido as a guideline and yesterday I had the opportunity to go there.

Although, I can honestly say that the reason for my excitement to go there was to have a few rounds hitting some balls in the batting range. =)

I had a few rounds and managed to get rid of some stress.

So I just wanted to drop a note and thank you for the information.

Will make some more rounds here to see more places worth giving a go. =)

